The health watchdog has found a number of non-compliances during an inspection of Dungloe Community Hospital.
The unannounced inspection took place in July with the findings published today.
Meanwhile, Nazareth House, Fahan was found to be mostly compliant with improvements sought in three areas following an announced inspection carried out at the centre in June.
Ramelton Community Hospital was also assessed and found to have no major problems.
Inspectors found there to be a large number of staffing vacancies at the time of inspection at Dungloe Community Hospital which they say impacted on staff’s ability to deliver quality care.
While the number of beds had been reduced, HIQA says the current reliance on agency staff and overtime is not sustainable.
The inspector also found that the notification of a serious incident had not been submitted, despite timely completion of the notification form.
Some care plans were found to be generic, and the assessment and review processes in place were insufficient. In one case, a resident did not have a care plan in place for more than four days.
HIQA have acknowledged that since the inspection, a new electronic records system has been implemented, and training has improved. However, there are still outstanding issues with care plans, assessments and notification procedures.
The hospital also pointed out that three Staff Nurse posts are awaiting approval.
Inspectors said Nazerth House, Fahan was overall, a good centre with good governance and management structures in place and that all actions identified in the previous inspections had been acted upon.
However, further improvements were required in relation to medicine management systems, infection control practices and the premises.
The centre was found to be substantially compliant in terms of the premises and infection control while medicine and pharmaceutical services at Nazareth House were deemed non-compliant and required improvements to ensure they aligned to best practice guidelines and the centre’s own policy.
The report says as a result of the review a number of best practice measures are due to be implemented including the introduction of a new ‘Drug Prescription and Drug Administration’ record.
Ramelton Community Hospital
Nazareth House
Dungloe Community Hospital
- Tue, 7 Jan 2025
- (+353) 07491 25000
- (+353) 086 60 25000