Essential leak repair works being carried out in Letterkenny today

Irish Water is carrying out essential works in Letterkenny today and tomorrow.

The utility says the essential leak repair works in Wolfe Tone Place will safeguard the water supply.

During the water mains rehabilitation works which are scheduled to take place from 7pm this evening until 2am tomorrow morning, customers in Wolfe Tone Place and surrounding areas may experience temporary, intermittent low pressure and/or water outages.

Declan Cawley, Leakage Reduction Programme Regional Lead with Irish Water is advising that people may also experience some temporary discolouration of water following the works and occasionally issues such as internal airlocks may arise.



Meanwhile, a water conservation masterclass to help Letterkenny businesses reduce bills is being held later this month.

The utility’s new sustainable Water Towns Initiative is being rolled out in the town.

On Wednesday June 15th Irish Water, in partnership with Chambers Ireland, will deliver an online masterclass on water conservation for businesses in a bid to drive down water consumption and save money.

Businesses can email Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce on to register for the masterclass and they can find out more information on the Water Conservation for Business Hub at
