MAG points points out ‘double standard’ in DCB building regulations ruling

The Mica Action Group has highlighted an issue with the Defective Concrete Block Scheme which means rebuilding work under the scheme will be carried out under 2007 building regulations in the case of private homes, while social homes will be rebuilt under the current regulations.

MAG Chair Lisa Hone says this is a very irresponsible double standard.

It emerged this week that tender documents issued by Donegal County Council effectively lay out an end to end scheme to current building standards, which Lisa Hone says is exactly what homeowners are looking for.

Instead, she says they are being told to apply 2007 building standards, which differ in particular when it comes to energy efficiency and environmental concerns.

On today’s Nine til Noon Show, Ms Hone said that’s particularly galling given that the Green Party are part of the government………..


You can hear the full discussion between Lisa Hone and Greg Hughes here :
