DCC to establish special committee to assess the road safety needs of Donegal’s schools

Donegal County Council is to set up a working committee to survey all the local primary schools in relation to road safety and put in place a safety plan.

The move was proposed by Cllr Paul Canning following the completion of Safe Routes to School projects in Newtowncunningham, Raphoe, St. Johnston, and Ramelton.

Officials said these projects were delivered by a collaboration of the Council, the school and local community and the funding agencies, with scope for more.

They told Cllr Canning the establishment of the working committee can be considered by the newly elected Council, but he says that would be too late, and he wants the preparatory work to start immediately…………….


Motion  – 

“I would ask this Council to set up a working committee in preparation for the incoming council that will
survey all the local primary schools in relation to road safety and put in place a plan similar to
Newtowncunningham. Schools as an example that needs attention are Bridgend, Tooban, Muff,
Carrigans and Whitecastle. This committee needs to have a road design member, an active travel
member, the senior and local roads engineers, the road safety officer and at least two councillors from
each MD. “

Reply –

The recent launches of Safe Routes to School projects at Scoil Cholmcille, Newtoncunningham, and at
St. Eunan’s NS, Raphoe, as well as the impending completion of works at St. Baithin’s NS, St. Johnston,
and Scoil Mhuire, Ramelton, have shown the benefits that works of this type can bring to the school
community and the wider community in general. These projects were delivered by a collaboration of the
Council, the school and local community and the funding agencies. Public road infrastructure alone,
however, is only one part of any solution to road safety concerns, especially at schools. Other important
areas where significant safety improvements can be made are in the area of driver behaviour (including
inappropriate parking), mode of transport used and school side infrastructure. Changes to speed limits
outside schools have also been recommended by the national review of speed limits and it is expected
that these will be implemented on a phased basis. Schools that wished to participate in the Safe Routes
to School programme applied to An Taisce following an invitation issued to all schools in 2021.
Applications were received from 66 schools in Donegal and these are shown on the list attached. An
Taisce reviewed the applications received and two phases of the programme have been released so far.
Schools included in these phases are also shown on the attached list. Should this motion be passed this
proposal can be considered by the newly elected Council.
