Security advice offered to churches following recent spate of break-ins

The Parochial House at St. Joseph’s Church in Rathmullan was broken into on Wednesday last between 8am and 3pm. The rear door of the house was

damaged, and entry was gained. Some paperwork was stolen from the house but nothing of monetary value was taken.

Gardai in Milford are investigating.

Meanwhile, a donation box in the entrance to the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Killea was damaged and cash taken on Tuesday last, between 8.30am and 6.15pm.

Investigating gardai in Letterkenny are particularly anxious to hear from any local businesses who may have been asked to change a large amount of coins.

Sgt Eunan Walsh says there’s an increase in such incidents, and security advice is available…………


More details –


Gardaí are appealing for information in
relation to a recent burglary that occurred at
the Parochial House at St. Joseph’s Church in
Rathmullan. The burglary occurred on
Wednesday the 22 nd of May between 8am and
3pm. The rear door of the house was
damaged and entry was gained. Some
paperwork was stolen from the house but
nothing of monetary value was taken. We

appeal to anybody who may have observed
suspicious activity in or around the Parochial
House on that date to make contact with
Gardaí in Milford on 074-9153060. If anybody
can assist with any information, we urge them
to make contact with us. The Garda
Confidential line may be reached on 1800 666

– Gardaí are seeking the assistance of the public
in relation to a theft that occurred at the
Church of the Immaculate Conception in Killea
on Tuesday the 21 st of May between the hours
of 8.30am and 6.15pm. The Church was open
between those hours and at some stage the
wooden leaflet stand & donations box which
was located in the entrance hallway was
damaged and the cash inside was stolen from
it. If anybody observed any suspicious activity
in the area of the Church between those
times, we ask them to make contact with
Gardaí in Letterkenny on 074-9167100. The
cash stolen is believed to have comprised of
coins and so we also appeal to nearby

businesses to alert Gardaí if they recall
anybody calling on that date with a lot of
coins to spend or if they were requested to
change coins to notes.

We have noticed a rise in recent weeks in
reports of crimes being committed on Church
grounds. There has been an increase in the
occurrences of thefts and burglaries at places
of worship across the county. Should any
members of the Clergy or parish committees
wish to update the security measures at their
Church or seek advice in relation to security
measures, they may contact Sgt Fergus Mc
Groary (Divisional Crime Prevention Officer)
at Letterkenny Garda Station on 074-9167100
and he will be happy to assist.
