Follow-up HIQA inspection notes further improvements required at Donegal centre

A follow-up HIQA inspection at a designated centre for adults with disabilities in Donegal has found further improvements are needed.

Earlier this year, inspectors raised concerns in relation to the safety of the service provided at Dunshenny House.

A HIQA inspection in February found four regulations to be non-compliant and said there were concerns in relation to the safety of the service provided.

A cautionary meeting was held with the provider during which they were advised that further action would be taken should the areas of non-compliance and risk identified fail to be addressed.

A compliance plan was submitted by the provider and a follow-up inspection carried out in May.

On this inspection, the inspector found the provider had taken some action to improve the quality and safety of the service provided.

However, ongoing work, the inspector says was required to strengthen the leadership arrangements in the centre and to improve the governance and management systems used in order to continue to return to full compliance.

Of the seven regulations inspected in the follow-up visit, three were found to be non-compliant and the remaining substantially compliant.

You can view the full report here

HSE Response:

Re HIQA Inspection – Dunshenny House OSV: 0007987

Dunshenny House is a designated centre managed by the Health Service Executive located in a residential area close to Carndonagh town in Inishowen. The centre provides full-time residential care and support to three residents with an intellectual disability. The designated centre comprises of a kitchen/dining area and a separate sitting room. Residents have their own bedrooms with en-suite bathroom facilities. Residents are supported by a skill mix of nursing and care assistant staff who provide twenty four hour support.

The centre was inspected by the Health Information Quality Authority (HIQA) on the 15th and 16th of May 2024 and the report was published on the HIQA website on August 20th 2024.

On the day of inspection the inspector noted “Staff interactions with the residents were calm, kind and supportive and requests were attended to promptly.” During inspection seven regulations were inspected. Four regulations were deemed substantially compliant and three received a non-compliant judgement.

The HSE has taken the following actions to ensure that all areas of the service reach full compliance with the regulations:

  • A review of the centre’s risk assessments has been undertaken to ensure all adequate controls are in place to mitigate risks identified.
  • Consistent agency staff will complete all mandatory and site specific training within the agreed timeframes.
  • One resident’s Positive Behaviour Support Plan has been reviewed and updated to reflect current presentation and needs.
  • A schedule for local governance meetings for the remainder of 2024 has been developed. 
  • An annual schedule of audit has been implemented within the centre and all audits to date have been reviewed by senior management and will remain a standing agenda item ongoing at centre governance meetings.

HSE Disability Services in Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo will continue to work to ensure that robust governance, quality and safety arrangements are in place within Dunshenny House to ensure high quality services are provided ongoing to all residents.
