Sinn Fein to launch alternative budget

€10 a day childcare, large cuts to the USC and a new tax on first class plane tickets form part of Sinn Féin’s alternative budget.

The party will launch its plans this morning ahead of Budget 2025 next week.

The Sinn Féin cost of living package would include €450 worth of energy credits, double child benefit payments in October and August, lump sum payments to carers, those living alone and those on disability allowance.

The party says it would also abolish the TV licence fee and reduce student fees by €1,500 while pausing carbon tax increases and reversing the August rise in excise duty.

On Housing the party says it could build 21,500 social and affordable homes to buy or rent in 2025 at an additional cost of €2.5bn.

It would also remove stamp duty for first time buyers and give renters a minimum payment of €1,000 while banning rent increases for three years

The party says it would discount the first €30,000 someone earns from USC and offer childcare at €10 per child per day.

While the party also reckons it can save €100 million a year on the healthcare budget by cutting down on agency staff, consultants and poor procurement.

On the tax side it also says it could raise money through a new tax on private jets, first class plane tickets and luxury cars.
