Planning board upholds residents objection to St Eunan’s development

An Bord Pleanala has rejected plans for the development of St Eunan’s college in Letterkenny, upholding an objection lodged by a local residents association.
The plans included the demolition of the1979 annexe to the rear of the school and the existing gymnasium to be replaced by a new 900 pupil school building on three floors alongside and to the rear of the existing school building.
Aspects of the plans were objected to by the Hawthorn Heights Residents Association – In a submission they expressed their shock that permission was granted for the development on a number of grounds.
The group expressed concern that no report had been compiled to determine what impact the development would have on the remaining protected structure.
Other concerns included the over-development of what is described as a restricted area – the residents are concerned that the new building would have a detrimental impact on residential amenities and the value of their properties.
They also say the development would have an adverse visual and flooding impact.
The residents say their concerns have been exacerbated by both the applicant and architects and the approach they have adopted claiming their concerns have been ignored, dismissed and undermined.
An Bord Pleanala, for the most part, upheld the residents concerns and refused permission.
