Niall Blaney

District: Midlands North West

Party: Fianna Fáil

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Born in Rosnakill, Fanad, Co. Donegal, I was elected Senator to Agricultural Panel of Seanad Eireann in 2020. I am FF Spokesperson for Northern Ireland (NI) and a member of the Good Friday Agreement Committee. I was Co-Chair of British Irish Parliamentary Assembly, 2007–2011. Elected to Dáil Eireann in 2002 and 2007, I served as a TD for Donegal North-East.

My family is well-known in political circles with a long history of public service and strong, traditional Irish Republican values. Since entering politics, I have been determined to represent everyone to the very best of my ability and will continue to do so.

My Priorities:

Balanced Regional Development: Delivery of road & rail projects. Stop the brain drain. Get our fair share.

Farming: Increase the CAP budget at EU level. Stop scapegoating farmers in climate change debate. Reduce red tape.

Immigration: Immigration must be tackled. While vital to health and hospitality sectors, systematic delays mean newcomers are unable to work. Address the impact of new arrivals on our towns and cities.

Planning & Sustaining Rural Ireland: Ensure the rights of local people are protected with proper access to services.

• Offshore Renewable Energy and Climate Change: We have the capacity to supply much of Europe with energy and be on the right side of the pipeline for a change.

Contact Info:

Address: Croaghross, Portsalon, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal


Phone: (01) 6184309 or 086 609 9583

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Election Candidates 2024