1. Clár a hAon – An Scoil

Here are some of the words that Colm and Freya will be using to talk about the school day. How many of them do you know?

Bosca lón – lunchbox
Mala scoile – schoolbag
Ceapaire liamháis – ham sandwich
Úll – apple
Barra seacláide – a bar of chocolate
Mo mhúinteoir – my teacher
Obair bhaile – homework
Ag súgradh sa chlós – playing in the yard
Ag imirt cluiche peil – playing a game of football
Am lón – lunchtime

Bhuail an chlog – the bell rang
Ábhar – subject
Ag déanamh staidéar – studying
An rang – the class
Stair áitiúil – local history
Cóipleabhar – copybook
An clár bán – the whiteboard
Leabhar scoile – school books
Geataí na scoile – the school gates