John O Donnell

District: Milford

Party: Independent

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Since the local elections five years ago much has changed in the world around us – the crisis of the lockdown when Covid took hold – the wars that have killed tens of thousands of innocent victims and the ever increasing prices that drove inflation. They’ve all posed a significant challenge for every family in Donegal. However, the Mica crisis has had a serious impact on so many families including the Milford area. It remains unresolved and as Members of Donegal County Council and a Mica property owner myself, our role in Lifford has been to help and influence progress. Too little has been achieved and we all must strive to make change happen for all those families impacted and I’m giving my 100% backing to the campaign for 100% redress. That can only happen when the current legislation is completely overwritten.

As a Councillor in the Milford Electoral Area, I have been to the forefront in promoting progress for all members of the community. We have an urgent demand for social housing in the area and as an elected representative on the Council’s SPC, I am working to bring that about. My involvement includes voluntary groups, sports clubs, tidy towns, health forums, community development groups, special needs, the churches, women’s football teams, underage sports and key cross-community groups. In my two terms since elected in 2014, I’m proud to have contributed over €300,000 from my DFI and Members Funding and I hope that can be increased in the future.

And I also secured almost €4million in grant funding to numerous community led and sporting organisations in the area.

I want to continue in the footsteps of my parents in serving the Milford area. My father, Eddie was first elected in 1985 and was returned to Lifford six years later to continue his mandate for the community.

My Mum, Anne was also a Member of the Council. I am following in the footsteps of the proud O’Donnell Clan and I’m asking for your number one vote or highest preference on June 7th to continue my record of delivering for you and your community in the coming five years.

I am now the proud father of a three years old girl, Molly. Thankfully she has changed my life forever.


Contact Info:

Address: Kilmacrennan, Co. Donegal


Phone: 0868095820

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Election Candidates 2024