I’m Gerry McKeever. I’m married to Theresa and I work as a Barber in Letterkenny. I feel compelled to stand at this General Election because I want to try to do something about a rapid decline in our freedoms, our rights (particularly in Donegal) and in Society. I believe that the state of Law and Order is also under threat. Please vote for me to give me the opportunity to counter these declines.
- Help establish a Housing Policy that could create 80,000 + homes per year.
- Help fight for fair play for Donegals Defective Blocks victims.
- Help create an Ireland that our young, our teachers, our nurses, etc. WANT to return to from Australia and elsewhere.
- Fight for a fair share of infrastructural funds for Donegal.
- Highlight the fact that our Gardai numbers are falling at an alarming rate.
- INVESTMENT. I want major investment in Water and Sewage infrastructure. We cannot build 1Os of thousands of homes without this.
- SIMPLIFICATION. I want a relaxation and simplification of our Planning Permission procedure.
- HOUSING. I want to see people being allowed to build what they can afford, within reason, including Modular Homes.
If all of these 3 policies are realised we, the people could build 80,000+ homes per year. These can be built with affordable mortgages and will bring rents down.
- DEFECTIVE BLOCKS. We need to see nothing short of Full Redress.a free application process, a simplified process and much more flexibility on planning if changing shape.design or size.
- INFRASTRUCTURE. I will work to get Donegal it’s fair share of Infrastructural funds with Letterkenny’s bridge as my priority.
I can only declare that I will work to the best of my ability to deliver on my policies.
I will work to try to create a prosperous and optimistic future for Ireland and Donegal.
My priorities will be Housing, Defective Blocks, Infrastructure & Law and Order.