Brian Anderson, Ballinabreen, Lifford, formerly of Ardnaganna, Crossroads, Killygordon

The death has occurred at Letterkenny University Hospital of Brian Anderson, Ballinabreen, Lifford. F93 XDR6, and formerly Ardnaganna, Crossroads, Killygordon.

Much loved father of Peter, Paul (Grace), Donna, Jacqui, Tracy, Andrea, Sabrina, and the late Andrew, cherished brother of Pete, Feargal, Marina, also the late P.J. Plunket, Dermot, Liam, Eugene, and Rose.

Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his loving sons, daughters, brothers, sister,10 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren. extended family, neighbours and friends.

Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have Mercy On His Soul.

Remains reposing at the residence of his daughter Tracy, at Ballinabreen, Lifford, F93 XDR6, on Sunday Feb 11 th from 6pm.

Funeral leaving from there on Tuesday Feb at 10.15 am for Requiem Mass at 11am in St.Patrick’s Church, Murlog, followed by interment in St.Mary’s Cemetery, Castlefin.

The Requiem Mass will be streamed live via the Parish Webcam at

Family time from 10pm to 11am and on the morning of the funeral.
