Fintan Cullen, Guesthouse End, Raphoe, Co Donegal formerly Swords, Dublin

The sudden death has occurred of Fintan Cullen, Guesthouse end, Raphoe, Co Donegal formerly Swords, Dublin.

Sadly missed by his brothers and sister Alan, Liam and Marian and long-time friend Tony, deeply regretted by his nieces and nephew and all his extended family and friends.

May Fintan Rest in Peace.

Fintan will be reposing at Kelly’s Funeral home, Oakfield, Raphoe, Co Donegal F93 KP0N on Saturday evening the 6th April from 5pm to 7pm.

Funeral cortege leaving Sunday afternoon 7th April at 2pm from Kelly’s Funeral Home travelling to Rocks Funeral Home Swords for Cremation later.
