Helena Crawford, Coolatee, Smokey, Porthall, Lifford

The death has taken place of Helena Crawford, Coolatee, Smokey, Porthall, Lifford.

In compliance with current HSE and Government restrictions the House, and Funeral will be Strictly Private to the family only please, with a maximum of ten people permitted.

Removal from Kellys Funeral Home, Oakfield Raphoe on Thursday afternoon at 4.20pm via Collatee, Smokey Lifford going to St. Patricks Church Murlough for 5pm to repose overnight.

Requiem mass at 11am on Friday morning which can be viewed on
with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

Family Flowers only, donations in lieu to Letterkenny University Hospital c/o Kellys Funeral Directors Oakfield Raphoe.
