Máire Kate Campbell, Meenavale, Glenties

The death has occurred of Máire Kate Campbell, Meenavale, Glenties, F94 YR89.
She will repose at her home from 4 pm today, Wednesday January 29th, with rosary nightly at 9pm.
Requiem Mass at 1.30 pm on Friday, January 31st in The Church of The Holy Family, Edeninfagh with burial afterwards in the local Cemetery.
One way system in operation, entry by The Glen Tavern and exit through Meenavale.
Máire is predeceased by her husband Charlie, baby daughter Ann and brother, Eddie. She is survived by her daughters Sarah (Willie), Bridie (John), Máire (Peadar), sons Peter, Mickey (Lucy), Gerard, Charlie (Bernie), Connie (Claire), grandchildren, sister Sarah and brothers John and Laurence.