- St Marys National School Stranorlar
- Reddings coach hire Inishowen
- St Eunans National School Raphoe
- Mc Gettigan Coaches Letterkenny
- Patrick Gallagher Buses Churchill
- Home James Buses Letterkenny & all school routes
- Trentagh National School Trentagh
- Castletown National School St Johnston
- BB Buses L’kenny no routes
- St Bridgets National School Convoy
- Gairmscoil Chu Uladh ( Vocational School ) Ballinamore
- Creeslough Day Centre Creeslough
- Pobhail Scoil Gweedore
- Michael Friel Coaches L’kenny no routes
- St Eunans College L’kenny
- Boyles Buses Creeslough no routes
- Little Acorns Playschool Raphoe
- Northwest Busways /Foyle Coaches first services from Inishowen suspended
- St Columba’s College Stranoarlar
- Holy trinity National School Dunfanaghy
- Dooish National School B’bofey
- St Angenus National School Bridgend
- Illistrin National School Illistrin
- Glenties Comprehensive School Glenties
- Finn Valley Collge Stranorlar
- Crossroads Playgroup Killygordan
- Joe Maxwell Buses Killygordan
- Holybush Primary & nuserary Derry
- Longtower Primary School Bishop St Derry
- Illistrin Montessori Illistrin
- Stramore National School Glendoan
- Scoil Colmcille National Glengad
- Magherbeg National Manorcunningham
- Kilmacrenan National School Kilmacrenan
- Mental Health Day Centre Dungloe
- Finn Community Childcare Stranorlar
- St Bernadettes Specail School Letterkenny
- Little Angels Letterkenny
- Tiny Tots Playgroup B’bofey
- Naiolann creche Gweedore
- Cashel Na Cor Resource centre Buncrana
- Scoil Mhuira GaN Small Lifford Lifford
- Lorero Convent L’kenny
- Drumoghill National Drumoghill
- Boyagh Natioanl School Porthall Lifford
- PCC Falcarragh
- Scoil Niamh Breege Muff
- Glenswilly National School Glenswuilly
- Cloghfin National School Argrey Ballindrait Lifford
- Scoil Colmcille ( Boys School ) L’kenny
- St Carols Primary School Castlederg
- Murlog National School Lifford
- St Marys National School Castlefin
- Woodlands Natioanl School l’kenny
- Stepping Stones Playgroup St Johnston
- Shields Bus Hire fanad
- Moyle National School Newtown cunningham
- Churchill cabs & minibuses no routes
- Mulroy College School Milford
- st colmcille national school Drumman Ballyare
- Errigal College Letterkenny
- St Colmbuas natioanl school Ballylast Castlefin
- Scoil Mhuira National School Milford
- Scoil Mhuira Gan Small Letterkenny
- Coliste Ailigh Letterkenny
- St Davaddogs National Tamney Fanad
- Cashel National School
- Sr Saffans national Donnyloop castlefin
- St Gabiels Preschool L’kenny
- Seamus Barron bus Hire B’bofey no services schools & hse
- Lurgybrack national school Lurgybrack l’kenny
- Adoration in Kilmacrenan old school cancelled
- Scoil Mhuira national School Creeslough
- RAPHOE Community Playgroup Raphoe
- Boyces Coaches Ramelton no school routes
- Little Rascals Community Playschool FANAD
- Educate Together L’kenny
- Clonmany National School Clonmany l
- Ray National School Manorcunningham
- Fintown National School Fintown
- First Steps NAOIRA Playschool Lkenny
- Buncrana parent & Toddle group Buncrana
- ballyraine national school l’kenny
- fanad day centre
- Cuannannie Day Services
- New Beginnings preschool
- st Egnes National School
- Cloghan Day Centre
- Scoil Mhuira national School
- Glenties Day Centre for the elderly
- Community Childcare Centre
- Milford Community Playgroup
- Scoil Colmcille
- Wednesday club for elderly
- Glenmaquinn National School
- Cranford National SCHOOL
- Moyle National School
- Rosses Community School
- ABC childcare center
- Scoil Mhuire N.S Ramelton
- Shessinaghoneil National School
- Donagh crèche
- Weight Watrchers
- Niamh Scoil Donagh Og
- ABC Childcare Lifford
- Palnet Youth Bbofey
- Bingo tonight Glenswilly GAA Club
- Tiernasligo national school Urris
- Ready Steady Childcare b’bofey
- Magher Community Bingo Dungloe
- The Dollmans Day Centre Kilclooney Portnoo
- Malin Social Centre Malin Elenor Farren –
- L’kenny Youth & Family Services/After schools prog. L’kenny
- Raphoe Central National School Raphoe
- Tai Chi Community Centre Glenties
- Vitner’s County Federation Meeting Midway Dungloe
- Sun, 23 Mar 2025
- (+353) 07491 25000
- (+353) 086 60 25000