Work progressing to strengthen and enhance governance at LUH and Saolta

Work is progressing to strengthen and enhance communication and governance links between Letterkenny University Hospital and the Saolta University Health Care Group.

Four workshops, facilitated by EY have taken place consisting of  representatives from LUH and Saolta which dealt with the future vision, mission and values for LUH and Saolta, future governance and communications and engagement.

They heard from staff who discussed current challenges and who worked together to develop a draft strategy to establish core principles and priorities that aim to strengthen the communication model for the future.

Tony Canavan, CEO of the Saolta University Health Care Group says the strategy sets out how they will engage and communicate with staff, patients and other stakeholders, ensuring staff and the community are aware of wider changes and plans developed to drive sustainable change.

Seán Murphy, Hospital Manager, Letterkenny University Hospital meanwhile confirmed that a working group is developing a plan for a detailed roadmap to help develop structures, processes and culture to better support staff.
