Protest Rally outside Firstsource in Derry

A protest rally took place outside the Firstsource Call Centre in Derry today.

The protest was in response to Firstsource’s decision to transfer work from Derry, which is putting hundreds of jobs at risk.

The protest was organised by the Derry Call Centre Campaign, Aegis the Union, and Derry Trades Union Council.




Release in full –


Derry Call Centre Workers Protest Job Losses
Derry, Northern Ireland – July 26, 2023 – The Derry Call Centre Campaign, Aegis the Union, and Derry Trades Union Council held a protest rally outside Firstsource Call Centre in Derry today. The protest was in response to Firstsource’s decision to transfer work from Derry, which is putting hundreds of jobs at risk.
The protest was attended by call centre workers, union members, and community leaders. The attendees called on Firstsource to offer enhanced redundancy packages to staff who are being made redundant and to provide answers to their questions about the loss of these jobs.
“We are calling on Firstsource to do the right thing by its workers,” said Brian McDaid, General Secretary of Aegis the Union. 
The protest also called on Firstsource to answer the following questions:
Why is Firstsource transferring work from Derry?
Is it unusual that former Firstsource Directors and Executives now running the business taking over the work?
What enhanced redundancy packages being offered?
“We call on Firstsource to answer these questions and to provide fair and transparent treatment for all of its employees,” said Niall McCarroll, Chairman of DerryTUC.
The protest was a success in raising awareness of the issue of job losses at Firstsource. The attendees were united in their call for Firstsource to do the right thing by its workers.
“We are calling on Firstsource to do the right thing by its workers,” said Brian McDaid, General Secretary of Aegis the Union. 
“We call on Firstsource to answer these questions and to provide fair and transparent treatment for all of its employees,” said Niall McCarroll, Chairman of DerryTUC. 
About the Derry Call Centre Campaign:
The Derry Call Centre Campaign is a group of call centre workers, union members, and community leaders who are fighting for better conditions for all Call Centre workers in Derry. The campaign is calling on Firstsource to offer enhanced redundancy packages to staff who are being made redundant and to provide answers to their questions about the loss of these jobs.
About Aegis the Union:
Aegis the Union is a trade union that represents workers in the call centre and customer service industries. The union is committed to fighting for the rights of its members and to ensuring that they receive fair treatment at work.
About Derry Trades Union Council:
Derry Trades Union Council is a federation of trade unions in Derry and the Northwest. The council is committed to fighting for the rights of all workers and bringing about working class unity. 