Saolta launches Covid vaccine look back report

42,000 people were vaccinated at the height of the vaccine rollout in the Northwest and West.

The Saolta University Health Care Group has launched an in-depth look back report on the rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme across the region.

The 80-page report details the challenges, progress and successes of the programme, from rapidly setting up vaccination centres and satellite centres, ensuring a constant vaccine supply chain and reacting to peaks and sudden troughs of demand.

The country’s vaccination programme began on 29th December 2020 with the initial rollout focusing on healthcare workers in frontline services and the 65 and older cohort in long term residential care facilities.

An integrated Steering Group was established initially in the Northwest and West while responsibility for the regional vaccination programme was transferred from Saolta to HSE Community Healthcare organisations in the West and Northwest in May 2022. At the point of transfer, the Saolta-governed programme had administered 750,000 vaccinations.

Tony Canavan, CEO of the Saolta Group says the report is a timely reminder of the need to stay up to date with vaccines.
