Podcast Monday’s Nine Til Noon Show


The Nine ’til Noon Show  – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show which aims to inform and entertain listeners and to platform their views and issues:

On Monday’s show, and after a look the papers, Professor Kevin Curran reacts to Paddy Cosgrave stepping down as CEO of Web Summit, we hear about the Minding Media conference on encouraging children to think about what they see online. Later there is news of two events to gauge costal communities on what they would like to see in the future:

Much of hour two is in conversation with Tony Canavan, the CEO of the Saolta Hospital Group. He answers questions on the state of services at Letterkenny University Hospital:

Brendan Devenney reflects on the weekend’s GAA action. Our Monday Focus is Gynaecomastia, a business owner is concerned about traffic flow in Letterkenny and we have some advice on keeping your gut healthy this winter:
