Planning permission refused for Glenties wind turbines

Planning permission has not been granted for the erection of eight wind turbines in Glenties.

An appeal, care of Harley Planning Consultants Ltd., to the initial decision made on last Thursday was refused.

The proposed developments were in the townlands of Graffy, Meenamanragh and Dalraghan More in Glenties.

It included access tracks and hardstands, underground cable connections and peat recovery areas, as well as a temporary construction compound in Meenagrubby.

An underground grid connection of 7.5km was also proposed.

The permission was refused.

There were three reasons for this.

The first was as the site location is a designated Area of Especially High Scenic Amenity under the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024 and construction here would erode the landscape and visual quality of the rural area.

The second pertained to the importance of the site to the protected merlin bird species in terms of breeding and foraging.

Finally, the site is located with an area of significant ornithological value.

It is feared the turbines would collide with golden eagles and white tailed eagles, also protected species.
