Blaney expects Portsalon Pier works to be complete by April

Businesses in Portsalon have been told the contractor carrying out work at the local pier expects to be finished within three months.

A public meeting was held last night to address local concerns about the work that was to have been complete by the end of December but was delayed because of weather. Cllr Liam Blaney who organised the meeting repeated assurances he’s been given that money is available to finish the work, and he expects that to happen by April.

Cllr Blaney says it’s important the contractor was at the meeting along with Donegal County Council’s senior marine engineer, and people were able to receive updates directly from them………

Pic – Donegal County Councillor, Liam Blaney, and Donegal County Council Marine Engineer, Cathal Sweeney, pictured at the public meeting in Portsalon on Tuesday night


Cllr Blaney’s statement in full-

The public meeting held in Portsalon on Tuesday night to discuss the ongoing works at the local pier has been described by Donegal County Councillor, Liam Blaney, as extremely beneficial.
Speaking at the end of the hour-long meeting which he called himself, Cllr Blaney said: “There seemed to be concerns in the area and different stories being told about what was happening on the ground that weren’t 100 per cent accurate. I felt we all needed clarity on the development and that’s why I asked the contractor, Joe McMenamin, and the Donegal County Council’s Marine Engineer, Cathal Sweeney, to attend the meeting, and I thank them sincerely for accepting the invitation. It was important to have both of them present so that answers could be provided to technical questions and concerns local business owners and residents had.”
“I would hope that people went away from tonight’s meeting a lot clearer and that everyone is singing off the same hymn sheet rather than different stories that had been going out. I was more than happy to facilitate tonight’s meeting, and I regarded it as extremely beneficial. It’s important that we hear, and Donegal County Council hears the views of the people on the ground, the people who live beside the pier itself, and the people who have businesses here who are affected by the closure of the pier. In fairness to them, they’ve taken it on the chin, even though the pier was closed for the summer, which would have been their busiest period. Portsalon is a real hub in the summertime and a hive of activity. They’re hoping that the closure won’t run into another summer. We needed clarity on that. Given the work plan that was mentioned tonight, it is hoped that the works at Portsalon Pier will be finished in April is excellent news for all concerned,” Cllr Blaney added.
“Unfortunately, there were holdups, but they have been overcome, and it’s all systems go at this stage. Quite a bit of work has already been done and given the progress that has been made over the last ten to twelve weeks, the month of April is the most likely month that will see the €1.5 million project completed.”
“I must commend my Fianna Fáil party colleague, Minister Charlie McConalogue, for his vital input into this project. The Minister was able to secure an extension under the Brexit Adjustment Local Authority Infrastructure Scheme which will allow the works to be completed at a later date than the December 2023 deadline that was set when the funding allocation was announced back at the end of 2022,” he commented.
“Local business owners who spoke at tonight’s meeting see the works at Portsalon Pier as being a hugely positive step for the local economy and the area in general. They are all looking forward to a new beginning, and hopefully, they’ll have a busy and successful summer season in 2024. I hope that the development of Portsalon Pier is only the beginning of what can be developed off the pier and around the pier. 
“There were proposals tonight to extend the pier and there were also calls for extra moorings to be put out so that boats coming to the area will have an opportunity to stop off for a while which is important for the local businesses. For those travelling up along the Atlantic, and looking to take shelter in Lough Swilly, Portsalon is the first pier they will have access to. So, the extra moorings are important in this regard. If anyone as concerns about the project between now and its completion, I’d ask them to contact me, and I’ll do my best to address those concerns,” Cllr Blaney added.