Donegal marginally below national average level of affluence

Donegal is marginally below the national average level of affluence according to the 2022 Pobal HP Deprivation Index.

The Index used data from Census 2022 to analyse ten measures of an area’s levels of disadvantage, including educational attainment, employment status and the numbers living in individual households.
720 areas, of up to 200 households, were recorded in Donegal out of a total of almost 19,000 nationwide.

The population had increased almost 5% from Census 2016 to Census 2022.

The lone parent ratio in the county was 19.3% while the age dependency ratio was 38.1%.

The unemployment rate in men was 11.2%, while that of women was 9.3%

17.1% of the population had only received a primary school education, while 33.8% were attending a third level education.
