Election 2024 Update: Glenties LEA

It looks like history could repeat itself as Councillor Micheal Choilm MacGiolla Easbuig looks set to top the poll in the Glenties Local Electoral Area which he did in 2019.

He is set to be followed by Independent Michael McClafferty who was first elected in 2019 as a Fine Gael candidate.

Fianna Fail Councillor Anthony Molloy is looking safe also who is almost at the quota.

Sinn Fein’s Brian Carr and John Sheamais O’Ferraigh are almost neck and neck.

There are six seats to fill in the Glenties Local Electoral Area and it’s still all to play for with 100% Redress Party’s Denis McGee, Fine Gael’s Joseph Molloy, Sinn Fein’s Kellie Rodgers and Independent Johnathon Stewart.

The transfer of votes will have a huge impact on who will be elected onto Donegal County Council tomorrow.

Live coverage from the Highlands Hotel, Glenties kicks off at 9am tomorrow.
