People from Derry asked to give feedback on The Realm Project

People from Derry Strabane are being asked to give their views on a new project that aims to transform the Fountain and Bogside areas.

The concept plans were approved by Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Environment and Regeneration Committee in May.

The Realm Project will focus on enhancing the Executive Office’s Urban Villages area of the Fountain Estate and Bogside and aims to create a safer and better-connected space with a more attractive and user-friendly streetscape.

The plan is to connect the New Gate Cultural Hub, Gasyard Heritage & Exhibition Centre, Redevelopment of Meenan Square, the Realm Project and other visitor attractions.

Now the community is being asked to take the opportunity to give their feedback on the proposed improvements.

Homes in the area will be contacted by letter in the coming days with details of engagement events taking place next week.

The plans will also be available to view online for those who are unable to attend in person.

A presentation on the Realm scheme plans can be viewed online at and written feedback can be submitted to up to the end of June.
