PSNI in Derry & Strabane issue water safety advice

It is Police Marine Safety Week and PSNI in Strabane and Derry are urging to public to remain vigilant when making the most of the coast this summer.

It’s in a bid to prevent water-related incidents, given the popularity of local beaches, pools, and waterways.

At the top of the list issued by Derry and Strabane PSNI is to keep children supervised at all times as an accident can happen in seconds.

Keep to designated areas and do not swim alone. It’s also important that others know your plans.

Life jackets must be used, especially by non-swimmers and children in natural bodies of water.

Alcohol is also to be avoided when taking part in water activities and when children are present near water.

Police also say learning to swim should be prioritised, as well as checking the weather ahead of setting out and avoiding swimming during inclement weather conditions.

The Police Marine Unit is patrolling various locations this week enforcing safety on the water, in a bid to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for everyone.
