Seven illegal taxis seized in Derry

A number of vehicles have been seized in Derry as part of an operation targeting the operation of illegal taxis.

Seven vehicles were seized last month.

Police in Derry working closely with Driver & Vehicle Agency transport enforcement colleagues seized the seven vehicles during an operation between June 26th and 28th.

As a result, seven people will be reported to the PPS.

Police are warning that illegal taxis present a risk as, in some instances, they are uninsured and driver safety checks are not completed.

They say work will continue to ensure all taxis are safe and driven by an insured, licensed driver and operated through a reputable taxi business.

Taxi firms are advised to make sure drivers display proper plates and carry the necessary papers and identification so that a legal taxi can be easily identified.

Reputable firms should have driver ID taxi licence plates displayed.

Anyone with information on the activities of illegal taxis are asked to contact police on the 101.

