Consultation opens as Stormont starts work on a new North West Transport Plan

The North’s Department for Infrastructure is preparing a transport plan for the North West region, with people being encouraged to share their views at this early stage in the process.

A number of drop in sessions will be held across the Derry City and Strabane District next month, with the initial online consultation running until November.

The Department for Infrastructure says it is working with Derry City and Strabane District Council and others across the region to prepare the North West Transport Plan 2035, with a focus on reducing emissions and helping to tackle climate change.

Urging people to participate in the initial 10 week consultation, they say meeting climate commitments means everyone must think carefully about how they travel, and consider what journeys can be made by walking, cycling or using public transport.

They say the Transport Plan will cover local issues, including active travel, public transport, the local road network, and parking, and they want public input from the start to help shape the Vision and Objectives and identify local transport concerns, with a view to creating a plan that will make a real difference to everyday journeys.

The online questionnaire will be available until November 5th, and can be accessed HERE


DoI Release in full

Help shape future transport proposals in the North West

The Department for Infrastructure is working with Derry City and Strabane District Council and others across the North West region to begin drafting proposals for the North West Transport Plan 2035. Everyone is encouraged to share their views at this early stage in the process.

Meeting our climate commitments means we all have to think carefully about how we travel. We all need to play our part by considering what journeys we can make by walking, cycling or using public transport as we seek to reduce emissions and help tackle climate change. 

This Transport Plan will cover local transport issues, including active travel, public transport, the local road network, and parking. We are at the beginning of the process and are encouraging you to have your say by helping shape the Vision and Objectives, and by identifying local transport concerns. Together we want to create a plan that will deliver real change to your everyday journeys within the North West, to make it a better place to live, work and study, as well as reducing emissions and improving air quality.  

Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd said: “The future of transport really matters because the transport system, and how we travel, influences every aspect of our daily lives. We need to strike the right balance between car use and creating the right conditions for more use of public transport and active travel.  I am committed to tackling regional imbalance and want to hear from as many people as possible to understand local challenges and priorities, to ensure that the new Transport Plan maximises potential in the North West.  Getting infrastructure right, and investing in it accordingly, can create the foundations for better rural and urban communities and unlock a more prosperous, productive and healthier society.”

The questionnaire, which is available online until 5 November 2024 at the following link, seeks views on a range of current transport challenges and the opportunities to improve the sustainability of the local transport system by supporting people to choose the most sustainable mode of travel for their journey. 

Several public drop-in sessions will be held in the Council district in late September. More details of these events will be posted on the project webpage and on the Department’s social media platforms when they are confirmed.

