Bloody Sunday Trust says families will not be grieving loss of former head of British Army

The Chair of the Bloody Sunday Trust says they will not be grieving the loss of a British soldier who was Captain of the Parachute Regiment in Derry on Bloody Sunday.

General Sir Mike Jackson passed away this week at the age of 80.

General Jackson, the former head of the British Army was a Parachute Regiment captain in Derry on Bloody Sunday when shots were fired at civil rights’ demonstrators killing 14 people.

In a statement today, Tony Doherty, Chairperson of the Bloody Sunday Trust, says the Bloody Sunday families and many other families will not be grieving the loss of General Jackson.

Mr Doherty says ‘the British may celebrate his life and so-called achievements’ but as he ‘wreaked havoc in Derry and elsewhere in the 1970s… there will be no mourning here’.

Foyle MP Colum Eastwood says his thoughts are with the Bloody Sunday and Ballymurphy families following the death of the former head of the British Army.

He says no doubt this will bring back very difficult memories.


