Council inviting expressions of interest for Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Donegal County Council is inviting expressions of interest from the community for project proposals through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 and CLAR 2020 funding programmes.
Both programmes aim to support rural economies and rural communities in their post-COVID recovery and help rural towns and villages adapt to how they do business and how people can come together safely and as a community.
These funding programmes have been described as timely and welcome and will help community groups and business deal with the challenges faced by COVID-19, supporting economic and social recovery in the County.
The funding available through Town and Village Renewal and CLAR will continue to build on the objectives of the Local Economic & Community Plan in nurturing a ‘place for people’ where business and community can support each other enhancing buildings and streets, providing an attractive environment to visit and to live and increasing footfall into our towns and villages.
Expressions of Interest are now invited from communities for project proposals in towns and villages with a focus on interventions that can respond to the new challenges associated with COVID-19, assist the economic and social recovery of our towns and villages, enhance the places we live and work and support our towns villages and rural communities.
Further details on both schemes can be found on the Councils website
