Free compost events as part of National Food Waste Recycling Week

National Food Waste Recycling Week which runs from the 30th May until the 6th June 2022 is a new national campaign from to encourage people to recycle their food waste. As part of this week Donegal County Council in partnership with Bryson Recycling and Envirogrind Ltd have arranged Free Compost Giveaway Events across the Council’s 6 Recycling Centres. Envirogrind Ltd located in Donegal make compost from a variety of sources, including from food and garden waste collected from households. This is a perfect example of the Circular Economy at work.

A previous study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that approximately 50% of household organic waste was being disposed of in the wrong bins. By segregating food waste correctly, it can be transformed into renewable energy and bio-fertilisers for horticulture and agricultural use.

Minister Ossian Smyth, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Procurement, eGovernment and Circular Economy said: “National Food Waste Recycling Week is a wonderful opportunity to create awareness of how important it is that we recycle our food waste, so that it can be put to further crucial use as fuel and bio-fertiliser for example.

Food waste is a significant contributor to carbon emissions, adding to climate change. The best way to address this is to try to cut down on food waste in the first place. But it is inevitable that there will almost always be food matter left over in homes and businesses so recycling it means that it does not just go to landfills, it becomes a useful resource instead, contributing positively to the growth of Ireland’s bio-economy.”

In Donegal, waste collectors have been busy over the past number of years offering food waste bins to householders. Any leftover food waste including meat & bones, cooked & uncooked food can be placed into a food waste bin for collection by your waste collector, always remember to remove any packaging.

Compost Giveaway Events:

Tuesday 31st May
10am – 12pm Letterkenny Recycling Centre

2pm – 4pm Dungloe Recycling Centre

Wednesday 1st June
10am – 12pmCarndonagh Recycling Centre

2pm – 4pm Milford Recycling Centre

Thursday 2nd June
10.30am – 12.30pm Laghey Recycling Centre

2pm – 4pm Stranorlar Recycling Centre

Householders are asked to bring their own way of collecting the loose compost either using bags or containers, compost will be available while stocks last. Staff will be on site to assist and give advice on food waste recycling and a limited number of Food Waste Recycling Starter Packs will be available to householders. Starter packs include a Food Waste caddy, a roll of compostable liners and information on what food waste can be recycled.
