A diner in Donegal was issued a closure notice after a dead mouse was found in a trap at the rear of the kitchen.
During an inspection at the Waterfront Diner, Dundee, St Johnston a dead mouse was found in a trap underneath shelving used for storing food and equipment at the rear of the kitchen.
Fresh mouse droppings were also noted in this area.
A report into the inspection stated adequate procedures were not in place to deal with pests gaining entry to the premises.
The FSA says the conditions lead to a serious risk of food being contaminated with pathogenic bacteria likely to render the food unfit for human consumption, injurious to health or contaminated in such a way that would be unreasonable to expect the food to be consumed in this state.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland served the order on November 2nd and lifted two days later with the issues resolved.
The full report can be found here: https://www.fsai.ie/news_centre/press_releases/november_enforcements_08122022.html