Podcast – Friday’ Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon with Greg Hughes – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show providing a forum for listeners to express their concerns on the issues of the day.
Listen back to Friday’s show in three parts …

Our Friday Panel is Michael White, Pat McArt and Liam Doherty who discuss the war in Ukraine one year on, the shooting of a police officer in Omagh and the chance of an agreement that could see power sharing restored in Northern Ireland:

Conor Dorrian tells us how he has overcome his health battles to run a marathon for the Friends of Letterkenny Hospital  – Paddy Rooney is also in studio to tell us how the fund raising will help with the services they provide. Later, St Eunan’s John Harran is in studio to tell us about the naming of a stand in honour of Dr James McDaid. And Dr McDaid is also in studio to tell us what it means to him:

Jimmy and Paul are in studio to unveil Highland Radio’s four finalists for the Irish Music Month Competition and we have a live performance from Kinky Boots which is playing in Letterkenny next week:
