IBEC calls for legislation to promote the All-Island economy

IBEC has told the government that reform and changes to legislation are required to make the all-island economy work to its full potential.

In its pre-budget submission, the business and employers confederation says this will benefit the whole country, and positively impact the Border and North West regional economies in particular.

In its Pre-Budget submission, IBEC says one of the primary benefits of an all-island approach to investment is to create economies of scale for investors and project promoters.

The document calls for the strengthening of the Single Electricity Market and the delivery of an an aligned all island climate and energy strategy.

It says there must be an acceleration of the delivery of transport and other infrastructure projects to improve all island connectivity – particularly to the North-West. The submission also calls for more all island research and development, and an all island strategy to attract foreign direct investment.

Finally, the document stresses the need for cooperation with the UK Tax Authorities to address problems caused for cross border workers by the growth of remote work has caused issues, particularly in the border counties.

The full document can be accessed HERE
