No surprise – North West wettest and dullest during summer 2024

It will come as no surprise to many that the North West was the wettest and dullest during Summer 2024.

According to Met Eireann’s Weather Provisional Statement for summer 2024, low pressure in the North West kept the region cool during August.

Several arctic blasts from the north in early June set the scene for what turned out to be the first cooler than average summer season since spring 2021.

Below average temperatures were recorded right across Ireland but it was coolest in the North West.

A zonal jet stream blocked warm air masses to the south from pushing north over Ireland.

In early June and July, the orientation of the jet stream favoured high pressure building north over the mid-Atlantic, which allowed cool Polar maritime air masses to move in from the north or northwest.

July saw a cool north-westerly for the first third of the month followed by a gradual warming as high pressure moved east.

The final third of the month began with low pressure to the north while August saw low pressure to the north and North West resulting in the bulk of the rainfall falling in the West and North West of the country and keeping the areas cool.
