Slow progress in addressing Donegal’s unfinished estates

211 unfinished housing developments have been completed as part of a drive on addressing the country’s 2,000 ghost estates.
In a further 523 housing estates, plans are in place and in many cases work has been started.
The Housing Minister has published a report on progress being made in tackling the problem.
19 unfinshed estates in Donegal are the subject of current legal enforcement out of a total of 636 across the country.
134 estates around Ireland are the subject of a public safety initiative – this is allows them acces to a 3.17 million euro fund for improvement works – non of the estates in Donegal are included.
770 estates are now the subject of a site resolution plan which sets out a process to finish the estates – 17 in Donegal are listed in this category.
Agreement has been reached with developers or a funder, such as one appointed by a reciever, to complete 523 estates however no estates in Donegal are listed in this category.
Bonds have been drawn down to finish estates in 128 cases, one is listed in Donegal – in the final category, issues have been resolved completely on 136 estates – one of those being in Donegal
