Irish Water would like to remind consumers on the Fintown Public Water Supply and Meenmore – Meentinney group water scheme that the boil water notice imposed on the schemes on June 2 remains in place.
A routine water sample detected cryptosporidium in the treated water coming from the Fintown Water Treatment Plant and as a result the boil water notice was been put in place following consultation with the HSE to protect consumers.
A rigorous water sampling programme has been put in place by Irish Water in partnership with Donegal County Council which has showed reduced levels of contamination since the first detection last week.
While there has also been an absence of any related illness in the community as advised by the HSE who are liaising with local GPs, Irish Water would like to remind all consumers that the boil water notice remains in place and that the actions outlined below remain in place until the notice is lifted.
Irish Water and Donegal County Council would like to assure consumers that they are continuing with their investigations to determine the source of this contamination and are striving to have the boil water notice lifted as soon as possible.
Donegal County Council, on behalf of Irish Water, has delivered boil water notifications to all customers in the Fintown area and the HSE has also been in contact with consumers offering advice.
- Tue, 11 Mar 2025
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