As confusion surrounding Donegals allocation under the Local Improvement Scheme continues, Minister Joe McHugh has moved to reaffirm that the figure of €884,000 announced by Government this week is correct.
But Senator Padraig MacLochlainn says the council had made applications for 20 million euro and the funding announcement covers less than 5% of the requests.
Donegal County Council has since issued a statement regarding the matter.
Donegal County Council statement in full:
‘Following the announcement of €884,000 in Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) funding for Co. Donegal, Donegal County Council’s roads engineering staff are now drafting priority lists for each MD and will be consulting with the Elected Members before finalising these priority lists.
On the 14th September Donegal County Council made an application to the Department for Rural & Community Development (DCRD) for LIS funding for 2017. This application included a list of LISs valued at in excess of €20m.
In that application the Council indicated that it was confident that €1m worth of LISs were deliverable within the two and a half months remaining of the financial year. In further correspondence on 18th September the Council clarified that, in the event that higher levels of LIS funding might be available in 2017, it was possible to reprioritise work within the county to deliver an LIS programme to the value of up to €2.5m.’
- Sun, 23 Mar 2025
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