HSE progress Letterkenny plans but won’t review Lifford until 2021

The HSE has confirmed that plans to deliver a new 120 bed community hospital in Letterkenny are to proceed along with upgrade works at St Joseph’s Hospital, Stranorlar and Ramelton Nursing Unit.
However, the need for additional beds and the potential to develop a new facility in Lifford will be not be reviewed until after 2021.
The decision has been taken despite the HSE concluding that the development of Lifford Community Hospital on the existing site is not deemed viable.
It was outlined in the Rhattigan Report that nursing services would be better addressed on a new site as services at the current site are severly challenged.
It has also been stated that the cost of renovation works of the current building would amount to 75% of the cost of a new build.
Councillor Gerry Crawford says there is a clear lack of commitment of behalf of the HSE to progress the Lifford proposal…………..
