New Waste Presentation By-Laws are being drafted by Donegal County Council, with the aim of ensuring that waste is disposed of properly and the health risks of mismanaged waste are minimised.
The draft By-Laws will go out to public consultation in the coming weeks.
Donegal County Council says these new By-Laws will be presented to members at a Strategic Policy Committee later this month, and once that has happened, they will go to public consultation.
In a briefing document presented at a Glenties Municipal District meeting, members were told that the new By-Laws will help identify those who are not dealing with their waste in a responsible manner, and tackle illegal dumping.
A number of specific issues will also be addressed, including backyard burning and littering caused by animals rifling through refuse bags left out for collection.
Once the public consultation is complete, submissions will be considered and evaluated, before a final draft is prepared later this year.
That will then be presented to the council for consideration and / or adoption.
Members were told this is part of a national programme intended to ensure a consistent approach to waste management across Ireland.
- Mon, 17 Mar 2025
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