The 2020 Donegal Senior Track and Field Championships will be held this Bank Holiday weekend at two venues in the county and will the only county in the country that is organising County Athletics Championships.
The fifty first Donegal Senior Track and Field Championships will be held in the Finn Valley Centre Stranorlar on Saturday next August 1st with a 10.30 am start, the County Masters Championships and U/17, U/18 and U/19 Championships will also be part of the programme.
Part Two of the championships will take place the following day on Sunday August 2nd at the Aura Centre in Letterkenny for U/14, U/15 and U/16 boys and girls with an 11 am start.
Part Three will be the U/12 and U/13 Championships and this is fixed for The Finn Valley Centre on Wednesday August 16th with a 6pm start.
Part Four will be the Children’s Games for U/9, U/10 and U/11 boys and girls and this is fixed for the Finn Valley Centre on Wednesday August 23rd with a 6 pm start.
The same regulations will be in force at all our championships this year and we must be aware that outside events may cause the County Board to change some of the dates.
It is fair to say that these are not like any Championship that have gone before as the Corona Virus, which has plagued the world for the last nine months, has imposed many new restrictions on every aspect of our lives.
The County Board has been meticulous in its preparation and will conform fully with the guideline and advice issued by World Athletics, Athletics Ireland, HSE and the Government and these will impose new restrictions on officials and athletes and these are outlined below. Everyone needs to remember that these regulations are necessary to protect athletes and officials from the Virus.
The County Board will appoint a Covid Compliance Officer for each competition day.
Each Official on duty will be issued with face mask, and gloves and hand sanitiser will be available at every event.
A one way system will be in operation and athletes will enter the arena by the Car Park Gate and exit by the lower gate immediately their event is completed.
Social Distancing will be strictly observed and each participating club is responsible for seeing that their athletes observe the 2 metre rule.
Starting Blocks and Relay Batons will be sanitised before and after each use and hand sanitiser will be available at the starts.
The sand in the Long and Triple Jump Pits will be sanitised before each competition and also the spades and rakes in use.
The High Jump Landing Area and Bar will be sanitised before each competition and the Bar will be sanitised after each jump.
The Government have laid down that maximum number of people at an outdoor meeting is 200 and this will be strictly observed and because of the large number of entries we must reluctantly restrict attendance to Athletes, Officials and club coaches and sadly no spectators can be accommodated.
Each athlete must complete a Covid health screening questionnaire on arrival.
Dressing Rooms or showers will NOT be available, in accordance with the Regulation, and athletes should come to the venue togged out and ready to compete.
Athletes must bring their own Shots, Javelins, Discus and Hammers and no one will be allowed to use anyone else’s implement. Each implement will be weighed, measured and certified before the competition.
Athletes should arrive at the meeting one hour before the time of their event and should depart the venue as soon as their event/events are completed.
Athletes must observe the one way system in operation.
Athletes must observe the Social Distancing Regulations of 2 metres on and off the track and each club is responsible for supervising their own athletes when they are not in competition.