Day of Reflection to be held in Donegal



A Day of Reflection is to be held in Donegal next month as a tribute to those who passed away during the Covid-19 pandemic, those whose lives were changed and those who helped face the challenges.

People are being asked to submit a photo they believe defines the pandemic.

Donegal County Community Forum is hosting a Day of Reflection on May 22nd as a tribute to those who were lost during the pandemic, those whose lives have been forever changed and local individuals and organisations who stepped up to help overcome and continue to face challenges as a result of the pandemic.

The Forum is reaching out to people to help in remembering by submitting a defining photo of the pandemic and the story behind it.

Everyone who submits a photo that represents their experience of the pandemic has the chance to have their memory feature in a public exhibition of the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the community of Donegal which aims to highlight heroes of the pandemic and how it affected lives and communities.

You can submit your photograph and a brief description of the story it portrays to by Friday April 29th.
