Just over half of Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme Stage 1 applications have been approved

Just over half of applications to the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme have been approved.

51% of the 1,219 Stage 1 applications received under the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme have been approved.

Fees amounting to almost €5.7m have been issued under the first stage of the scheme. 595 stage 1 applications either require further information or are awaiting assessment.

Meanwhile, 140 Stage 2 applications have been received by Donegal County Council, 90 of which have been approved to the value of €16.4m. 47 stage 2 applications are awaiting further information while 3 have been withdrawn.

€1,532 has been paid out to one affected homeowner for essential immediate repairs while 20 homeowners have received a share of €395,250 for advanced accommodation and storage costs.

€6.1m in payments have been issued to 220 homeowners under stage 3 where remediation is in progress or has been completed. The remediation of 33 properties has been completed under the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme so far.
