Appeal amid risk of water shortages in Lettermacaward

Uisce Eireann are appealing to customers in Lettermacaward to be mindful of their water usage.

The notice comes with the rise in tourist activity in the area which is leading leading to production pressure at the Lettermacaward Water Treatment Plant.

The appeal has been issued in order to avoid water shortages and reduces water pressure in the area.

Uisce Éireann’s Operations Lead Seamus O’Brien said in a statement that facility is operating at almost full capacity.

The appeal is directed at residents and business owners in Lettermacaward, Portnoo, Rossbeg, Cleangort, Doochary, Meenacross, Dooey, Maghery, Falmore, Crucknageeragh and Inishfree Island.

Advice given includes avoiding power washing, opting for a watering can instead of the garden hose, checking for leaks on outdoor taps and minimising the amount of water used in paddling and swimming pools.

Customers are also asked to consider re-using water for activities such as washing their cars
