Tus Nua centre in Donegal Town passes infection control inspection

HIQA has published 27 inspection reports on infection control in designated centres for people with disabilities, one of them in Donegal.

The four resident Tus Nua facility was found to be compliant, with the inspectors saying it was clear that many measures were in place to protect residents from the risk of infection, while also ensuring that these measures did not impact on residents’ quality of life.

20 other centres across the country were also compliant, six were found to be non-compliant.

The full Tus Nua report can be read HERE


HSE statement on the report –

Re: HIQA inspection at Tus Nua – OSV 0008146

Tus Nua is located on the edge of a rural town and has good access to a wide range of facilities and amenities. The accommodation consists of a one single story bungalow, and provides a full-time residential service for up to four people. This bungalow had a spacious sitting room, a well-equipped kitchen and dining area, an office and laundry facilities. All residents have their own bedrooms and en-suite facilities were provided for each resident.

The HIQA inspection took place on May 8th 2023 and the report was published on the HIQA website on July 17th 2023.

One regulation (Regulation 27: Protection against infection) was inspected and found compliant.  Overall, the inspector noted that there was no improvements required in the management of infection control measures (IPC) in the centre.   

The HSE will continue to work ensure that high quality services are delivered and maintained within this centre.
