Redress Focus Groups website is launched as homeowners are urged to join them

The Redress Focus Groups, which were formed earlier this year to provide support, information, and empowerment to those affected by the defective blocks crisis in Donegal.

The initiative was started by four homeowners who decided in conversations that the complexities of the defective blocks crisis would take an army of people coming together with the right skills and determination.

On today’s Nine til Noon Show, Redress Focus Groups Chair Roisin Gallagher said the website launch is part of their mission to reach as many people as possible across the county, and address both the practical and emotional challenges faced by affected homeowners.

She acknowledged that some people are losing hope, but stressed that by engaging with the groups, people can take control..……..


The full conversation between Greg and Roisin can be heard here –




Release in full –

Redress Focus Groups launch new online resource for Homeowners Affected by the

Defective Blocks Crisis

Empowering Communities to Make Change Happen Together

In the face of adversity, homeowners in Donegal have come together to establish the Redress
Focus Groups, an initiative aimed at providing support, information, and empowerment to those
affected by the defective blocks crisis in the county.

The Redress Focus Groups, which were founded in January 2023, represent a grassroots
movement driven by four homeowners who possess an acute awareness of the enormity of the
defective blocks crisis. Recognising that major issues were not being addressed, these
dedicated individuals knew that such a multifaceted crisis would take an army of people coming
together with the right skills and determination.

The vision of the Redress Focus Groups is to address both the practical and emotional
challenges faced by these homeowners, ultimately leading to renewed confidence in their
properties and the ability to rebuild resilient lives. Their mission is not only to advocate for
comprehensive solutions but also to secure support services and drive positive changes in
policies and regulations.

The Redress Focus Groups have identified three primary focus areas that guide their mission:
Information and Help: The Redress Focus Groups provide a lifeline of support through both
online resources and in-person meetings. They ensure that homeowners have access to
accurate and up-to-date information to navigate the challenges posed by the defective blocks

Support: With regular in-person meetings, the Redress Focus Groups foster a supportive
community that enables homeowners to share their concerns and find answers to their
questions. This vital support network helps individuals feel less alone in their struggles.

Empowerment: One of the core principles of the Redress Focus Groups is the belief that by
coming together, they can affect positive change. They empower homeowners to take control of
their circumstances and work collectively to improve their futures and those of their children.

The Redress Focus Groups have established several dedicated focus areas to address the
various challenges posed by the defective blocks crisis. These include:

Temporary Accommodation:
Working tirelessly to find ways to provide temporary accommodation for homeowners while their
properties undergo structural repair or demolished, ensuring they have a place to stay during
this difficult period.

Support Hub:
Advocating for the creation of a support hub, the Redress Focus Groups engage with
government officials, investigate funding possibilities, and rally support from the public to make
this essential facility a reality.

Trade, Construction & Building Professionals:
Collaborating to discover the most beneficial, efficient, innovative, and cost-effective ways to
rebuild Donegal, ensuring that homeowners’ investments are secure.
Banking & Insurance:
Negotiating with lenders and government bodies to bridge the financial gap caused by the lack
of 100% government funding for repairs and restoration.

Mental Health & Youth:
Initiating research and development efforts to provide mental health support for adults, children,
and young people affected by the crisis, ensuring that these vital services are accessible to
organisations and schools throughout the county.

Health Impacts:
Focusing on researching and highlighting the severe health impacts faced by affected
homeowners due to mould and other problems caused by defective blocks.

All of this and more has been brought together on their new website which goes live, today. This
website is the first of its kind for all affected, interested or working on this crisis. It will be a hub
of information, an essential guide, and a help and advice resource for homeowners. With its
online library it will also serve as an information point for local, national and international media
or anyone wanting to find out more about the defective concrete blocks crisis from its very
beginnings right up to the present day with its online archive and up to the minute news.
“We want anyone affected by the defective blocks crisis to join the Redress Focus Groups
cause. By coming together, sharing knowledge, and working collaboratively, we, as property
owners, can find solutions to the challenges, support and empower ourselves and each other. In

the face of adversity, the people of Donegal have shown that by uniting, we can pull ourselves
out of this crisis and create a brighter future for our families and our communities” – Roisin
Gallagher, founder of the Redress Focus Groups

The Redress Focus Groups are a testament to the power of community, determination, and
collective action.

The Redress Focus Groups Committee is made up of:

Chairperson: Roisin Gallagher
Vice Chair: Peter Fox
Secretary: Karen Hamilton
Vice Secretary: Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Treasurer: Margaret Patton Plunkett
Vice Treasurer: Mary Connors

To learn more about the Redress Focus Groups, how you can get involved or to add your
information and services visit their website at or contact them via
email at
