Gardai investigate early morning break in at Letterkenny business premises

Gardaí are investigating a break-in at a business premises this morning on the Pearse Road in Letterkenny, close to the junction with Oliver Plunkett Road.

The alarm was activated, and Gardaí were alerted to the fact that a burglary was in progress shortly before 6.20 this morning.

Gardaí immediately attended the scene but nobody was present. The glass in the front door of the premises had been smashed in order to gain entry and some damage had been caused.

The investigation is at an early stage, and gardai say they are in the process of establishing whether or not anything was taken.

They’re urging anybody who was in the area of the Pearse Road or surrounding areas this morning between 5.45 and 6.45, and saw anything suspicious to come forward, or anyone who has dash cam footage to make it available to them.

Gardai are asking people to contact them in Letterkenny on 074-9167100. The Garda Confidential line may be contacted on 1800 666 111.
