PSNI urge public vigilance following reports of bank fraud scam

Police are urging the public to be vigilant after reports of a scam in which fraudsters are targeting bank customers across Northern Ireland, resulting in some businesses and individuals being swindled out of thousands of pounds.

In recent weeks, police have received reports from individuals and businesses who were contacted by phone and/or email by a person claiming to be from their bank.

Some of the phone conversations have been lasting over an hour with separate calls over several days.

Some of the fraudsters have managed to get financial details to access bank accounts of those they targeted.

Sums ranging between £5,000 up to close to £250,000 were taken by criminals from accounts.

Police enquiries are ongoing, as are efforts to retrieve the money taken.

Officers appeal to anyone who believes they have been targeted in this way recently, but have not reported it, to do so now to police, to their bank and to Action Fraud.
