Gardaí issue advice for those heading out this bank holiday Sunday

Gardaí in Donegal have issued advice, as many will head out tonight to enjoy the bank holiday weekend.

It includes the importance of planning your night in advance as well as reporting incidents when they happen.

In a social media post, Gardaí say there is no use in attempting to reason with drunk or aggressive people and planning transportation ahead of a night out is key.

They also say it’s important to let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back, as well as avoiding walking alone or in dark areas.

An appeal was also made to victims of assault to always report the crime, as it’s been found that with younger men in particular, embarrassment can prevent this from happening.

Gardaí add that anyone who has been assaulted will be treated with sensitivity and those who choose to use their fists have the potential to ruin their victim’s life, as well as their own future, as one punch can be fatal.
